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Missing Persons

When a child goes missing it can be one of the most difficult and frightening experiences for any family. For many, the fear and anxiety of not knowing where their loved one is can be overwhelming. We are here to help.

Whether you are looking for a person’s address for a court case, trying to collect on a debt or judgement, or have a lost child or family member, we have the resources* to locate missing persons.

Some of the matters we investigate include:

Locating Debtors

One of our more popular services is locating debtors. To do so, we check a variety of investigative databases, motor vehicle licensing authorities, vehicle sighting reports, utility service providers, and more. Unfortunately, there is no one best resource* for locating others. So it is important to first understand who we are attempting to locate by reviewing the person’s information, such as their age, education level, profession, family status, last known location, and the amount of time their location has been unknown. Once all of this is understood we can decide which sources would likely be most helpful.

Runaway and Abducted Children

We assist parents of runaway children by providing both guidance and by fulfilling investigative functions that law enforcement are often not capable of handling in a timely manner. These services can include expedited digital forensics, interviewing of friends and known associates, neighborhood canvassing, and surveillance of potential hide outs.  We often work alongside law enforcement in these matters to ensure that a comprehensive and coordinated effort is being made to return the child back to the parents safely. 


As licensed private investigators we have access to missing person resources* that are more advanced than what is typically available to the public. Among these are subscription investigative databases that provide the person’s most recently reported address and address history, phone and utility account records, nationwide court records, driver’s license and motor vehicle information, vehicle sightings reports, property records, and more.

*Resources are only used for lawful cases being worked for contracted clients. Some legal restrictions may apply.