When you find out that your partner has been unfaithful, it can be an incredibly upsetting and painful experience. It can be difficult to cope with the emotional and psychological aftermath of such a betrayal and you will likely be seaarching for answers. We are here to help.
Whether you are just suspecting that your partner has been unfaithful, wanting to see if your partner has truly ended an adulterous relationship, or you know for a fact they are having an extra-martial affair and want proper documentation and evidence for court purposes, we have the resources to conduct a domestic private investigation, determine the truth, and get you the information and evidence you need.
If you are dealing with a potential domestic infidelity or adultery situation, here are a few things you may want to know:
Domestic Infidelity
Domestic Infidelity is defined as the violation of trust between two domestic partners. Infidelity can be any nefarious activity that a person engages in that is done without the knowledge and permission of their partner. So, any behavior that is kept from a person’s partner that violates the partner’s trust can be considered Domestic Infidelity, including Adultery.
Adultery, on the other hand, is much more straightforward. Adultery is commonly defined as the voluntary sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than the offender’s spouse. State laws typically define Adultery as vaginal intercourse, only. Therefore, two people seen kissing, groping, or engaged in oral sex, may not meet your state’s legal definition of Adultery.
Adultery is defined as: The voluntary sexual intercourse by a married person with someone other than the offender’s spouse.
What is Proof of Adultery?
Obtaining proof that sexual intercourse between two parties can be very difficult, in not impossible. Fortunately, for those attempting to use adultery as grounds for a divorce, the law does not require that someone witness the offender engaging in the act of sexual intercourse. Instead, evidence maybe presented that the offender and their paramour had what are termed the “Opportunity” and the “Disposition” to have sexual intercourse. Opportunity is typically demonstrated when the two parties enter a private place together for a period long enough to have sexual intercourse. Disposition is shown when two people demonstrate a desire, or “Inclination,” to have sexual intercourse. In most adultery cases, this evidence is in the form of testimony by an objective, third party, such as a private investigator who witnessed a Public Display of Affection (PDA) between the couple. Evidence of Disposition can also be demonstrated by a legally obtained email, text message, or a greeting card that suggests there is romantic love or intimacy between the two parties. Any such item that is obtained through illegal means, such as hacking, would not be considered admissible in a court of law.
Admitted Affairs
Experience has shown that often people who confess to having affairs, especially those who are inadvertently detected and then confronted by their spouse, do not actually end their affairs as often stated. One reason for this could be that the paramour may not be as interested in ending the relationship, and therefore, is putting pressure on the offender to continue with the relationship. We recommend that anyone attempting to reconcile with their spouse after they have admitted to having an affair be mindful of this and remain cautious. If a spouse is not willing to cease all communications and any contact with their paramour, we would suggest that this is an indication that they are not willing to do everything that is necessary to end the adulterous relationship and earn the trust of their spouse. Unfortunately, we work with many people who are in this situation. We can provide information about the spouse’s activities so our client knows exactly what the truth is so they do not get taken advantage of again.
Next Steps
If you have just learned of your partner’s infidelity, it can be tempting to react in the moment, but it is important to take a step back and think about the situation. Take some time to process your feelings, gather the facts, and speak to a local family law attorney about your options before confronting your partner. If you have already confronted this person, and they have denied any wrong-doing, know that repeated attempts to get them to confess will likely fail and instead, conceal their activities even better. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by your partner, gaslighted, or to be drawn into arguments either. Contact us to learn the truth intead.