Advancements of technology in recent years have allowed all of us to become more connected and our lives more efficient. But the pervasive use of technology, including the internet, mobile devices, apps, smart home technology, and social media, has also increased the risk of being recorded, monitored, and tracked.
Intercepting Electronic Communications
Family law attorneys are seeing a growing number of cases involving data that was obtained by the secret monitoring of some form of digital communications such as Emails, text messages, and chats. Further, their clients are reporting having their confidential communications with the attorney monitored by their estranged partner.
Clients are reporting having their confidential communications with their attorney monitored by their estranged partner.
The Law
There are numerous laws, both Federal and State, that make the interception and retrieval of electronic communications of others, including Emails and text messages, illegal without the party’s knowledge and consent. Therefore, the use of computer and cell phone spyware programs to surreptitiously intercept and read another person’s electronic communications is illegal. It is also illegal to hack into a person’s locked computer, cell phone, tablet, or Email account using a key-logger device, a hidden camera, or by attempting to guess the person’s password.
Sharing Technology
It is common for two people in a relationship to share their technology, including email addresses, online financial accounts, computer, and mobile devices, and even usernames and passwords. However, if one party decides to leave the relationship, this sharing can be exploited and turned against them by the other party. We have several services that are designed to help eliminate this threat.
Our Digital Security Assessment (DSA) Solution
Due to a sharp increase in cases where clients reported being hacked and monitored by a former partner, we developed our Digital Security Assessment (DSA) program. The goal of this digital forensics program is to rid the client of these threats and to regain control over their personal security and digital privacy. A DSA consists of a comprehensive four-step process, including a lengthy in-person interview with the client; an examination of the client’s primary electronic devices; a review of their digital security practices and account settings; and a spot inspection of their home and vehicle.
We also provide Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) examinations, or what is commonly referred to as a “Bug Sweep.” A sweep can be performed on a home, office, or a vehicle. We use specialized electronic equipment and search techniques to check for hidden cameras, voice recorders, and listening devices.
We utilize an array of technical surveillance detection devices, including near-field radio frequency and non-linear junction detectors, radio frequency spectrum analysers, borescopes, audio signal amplifiers, thermal imaging cameras, and more. Our digital forensic examiners also use specialized computers and forensic software programs that allow us to image (copy) and examine the contents of the memories of most modern-day electronic devices.