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Premarital Inquiry

We often get calls from people who have fallen for someone and are contemplating taking their relationship to the next level. But before they do, they want to check to see if there are any skeletons lurking about.

In one such case, we were contacted by a woman who had met a man online some six months prior. She had since relocated to the DC area and was now living with the man. She said he was intelligent, successful, recently divorced, and kind, yet she also had a few concerns.

She said he was intelligent, successful, recently divorced, and kind, yet she also had a few concerns.

The woman said she had seen him secretly texting other women on his cell phone; said he was quite controlling of her at times; and he forbid her to talk to certain people in his life, including his ex-wife. We performed a background investigation on the man and found that his recent divorce was anything but amicable. There were allegations by his ex-wife of adultery with coworkers, a sex addiction, and prescription drug abuse, according to records.

This information, coupled with the client’s gut feelings that something wasn’t quite right about this man, was enough for her to decide to end things and return to her home state.