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Chasing Leads

Traveling for business is a way of life for many Washingtonians. A number of years ago, we were hired to surveil a client’s husband while on business travel in California. The client suspected that her husband might be taking his female college intern on this trip, something that he adamantly denied, and she wanted to find out the truth. As is standard practice in most long-distance travel cases, our investigators arrived in California the day before the husband was expected. This is done so the investigators can become familiar with the hotel’s layout and surrounding area, prior to the subject’s actual arrival. However, in this case, the client contacted us on the morning her husband was due to travel and said that he had suddenly changed his plans.

However, in this case, the client contacted us on the morning her husband was due to travel and said that he had suddenly changed his plans.

Our investigators then booked a return flight to DC and arrived at DCA later that evening. Hungry from the travels, they decided to stop at a restaurant on the way home to grab a bite to eat. They walked in the restaurant and over to the bar, and much to their surprise, who was sitting there, but the client’s husband and the female intern. Our investigators sat down on the stools next to the couple and overhear the two making plans to travel to Florida together the following week. This information was then relayed to our client and an investigator in Florida was put on the case.