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Case Type » Privacy Intrusion

Unwanted Attention

A few years ago, we were contacted by a woman who believed that someone was stalking her. She reported seeing a certain man and his vehicle at unusual times and…

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Restoring Confidentiality

One of the specialized services that we offer is bug sweeps, or what is official called a Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM). About ten years ago, we were asked by a…

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Family Hack

Hacking and electronic privacy intrusion have become two very prevalent concerns for attorneys and their clients involved in family law matters. Approximate three years ago, we were asked to assist…

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Eavesdropping Spouse

There is no doubt that do-it-yourself home security technology has changed the way we live in recently years for the better. But as wonderful as it can be, it can…

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Baby Bag Wiretap

One of the more prevalent problems we are asked to investigate is the illegal use of miniature electronic recording devices in family law matters. A few years ago, an attorney…

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